1. Submitted
2. Peer-Reviewed
28. Payré, V., Udry, A., and Fraeman, A. A. Igneous Diversity of the Early Martian Crust, Special Issue Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Mars: Everything You Need to Know about the Red Planet, Minerals 14(5), 452.
27. Bowden, D. L., Bridges, J. L., Cousin, A., Rapin, W., Semprich, J., Gasnault, O., Forni, O., Gasda, P., Das, D., Payré, V., Sautter, V., Bedford, C. C., Wiens, R. C., Pinet, P., and Frydenvang, J. Askival: An Altered Feldspathic Cumulate Sample in Gale Crater, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 58(1), 41-62.
26. Goetz, W. et al. (including Payré, V.) Detection of copper by the ChemCam instrument along Curiosity's traverse in Gale crater, Mars: Elevated abundances in Glen Torridon, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, e2021JE007101.
25. Payré, V., Salvatore, M. R., and Edwards, C. S. An evolved early crust exposed on Mars revealed through spectroscopy, GRL 49(21), e2022GL099639
24. Payré, V., Siebach, K. L., Thorpe, M.T., Antoshechkina, P., & Rampe, E.B. Tridymite in a lacustrine mudstone in Gale crater, Mars: Evidence of an explosive silicic eruption during the Hesperian, EPSL, 594, 117694.
23. Lagain, A., Bouley, S., Zanda, B., Miljković, K., Rajšić, A., Baratoux, D., Payré, V., Doucet, L. S., Timms, N. E., Hewins, R., Benedix, G. K., Malarewic, V., Servis, K., and Bland, P. A. Early crustal processes revealed by the ejection site of the martian regolith breccia NWA 7034. Nature Communication, 13(1), 1-8.
22. Payré, V., & Dasgupta, R. Effects of phosphorus on partial melting of the martian mantle and compositions of the martian crust, GCA, 327, 229-246.
21. Ostwald, A., Udry, A., Payré, V., Gazel, E., and Wu, P. The role of assimilation and fractional crystallization in the evolution of the Mars crust, EPSL, 585, 117514.
25. Payré, V., Salvatore, M. R., and Edwards, C. S. An evolved early crust exposed on Mars revealed through spectroscopy, GRL 49(21), e2022GL099639
24. Payré, V., Siebach, K. L., Thorpe, M.T., Antoshechkina, P., & Rampe, E.B. Tridymite in a lacustrine mudstone in Gale crater, Mars: Evidence of an explosive silicic eruption during the Hesperian, EPSL, 594, 117694.
23. Lagain, A., Bouley, S., Zanda, B., Miljković, K., Rajšić, A., Baratoux, D., Payré, V., Doucet, L. S., Timms, N. E., Hewins, R., Benedix, G. K., Malarewic, V., Servis, K., and Bland, P. A. Early crustal processes revealed by the ejection site of the martian regolith breccia NWA 7034. Nature Communication, 13(1), 1-8.
22. Payré, V., & Dasgupta, R. Effects of phosphorus on partial melting of the martian mantle and compositions of the martian crust, GCA, 327, 229-246.
21. Ostwald, A., Udry, A., Payré, V., Gazel, E., and Wu, P. The role of assimilation and fractional crystallization in the evolution of the Mars crust, EPSL, 585, 117514.
20. Sautter, V. & Payré, V. Alkaline magmatism on Mars: an unexpected diversity, Special Issue Perspectives on Alkaline Magmas, Compte-rendus - Geosciences, Académie des Sciences, pp. 1-30.
19. Payré, V., Siebach, K. L., Dasgupta, R., Udry, A., Rampe, E. B., and Morrison, S. M. Constraining ancient magmatic evolution on Mars using crystal chemistry of detrital igneous minerals in the sedimentary Bradbury group, Gale crater, Mars. JGR: Planet, e2020JE006467.
18. Frydenvang, J., Mangold, N., Wiens, R. C., Fraeman, A. A., Edgar, L. A., Fedo, C., L'Haridon, J., Bedford, C. C., Gupta, S., Grotzinger, J. P., Bridges, J. C., Clark, B. C., Rampe, E. B., Gasnault, O., Maurice, S., Gasda, P., Lanza, N. L., Ollila, A. M., Meslin, P.-Y., Payré, V., Calef, F., Salvatore, M., House, C. H. The chemostratigraphy of the Murray formation and role of diagenesis at Vera Rubin ridge in Gale crater, Mars, as observed by the ChemCam instrument, JGR: Planet, e2019JE006320.
17. Wiens, R. C., Edgett, K., Morgan, K. S., Dietrich, W., Bryk, A., Mangold, N., Bedford, C., Gasda, P., Fairen, A., Thompson, L., Johnson, J., Gasnault, O., Clegg, S., Cousin, A., Forni, O., Frydenvang, J., Lanza, N., Maurice, S., Newsom, H., Ollila, A., Payré, V., Rivera-Hernandez, F., and Vasavada, A. Origin and composition of three heterolithic boulder and cobble deposits overlying the Murray and Stimson formations, Gale crater, Mars, Icarus, 113897.
16. Bouley, S., Keane, J., Baratoux, D., Langlais, B., Matsuyama, I., Costard, F., Hewins, R., Payré, V., Sautter, V., Séjourné, A., Vanderhaeghe, O., Zanda, B., A thick crustal block revealed by reconstructions of early Mars highlands, Nature Geoscience, 1-5.
18. Frydenvang, J., Mangold, N., Wiens, R. C., Fraeman, A. A., Edgar, L. A., Fedo, C., L'Haridon, J., Bedford, C. C., Gupta, S., Grotzinger, J. P., Bridges, J. C., Clark, B. C., Rampe, E. B., Gasnault, O., Maurice, S., Gasda, P., Lanza, N. L., Ollila, A. M., Meslin, P.-Y., Payré, V., Calef, F., Salvatore, M., House, C. H. The chemostratigraphy of the Murray formation and role of diagenesis at Vera Rubin ridge in Gale crater, Mars, as observed by the ChemCam instrument, JGR: Planet, e2019JE006320.
17. Wiens, R. C., Edgett, K., Morgan, K. S., Dietrich, W., Bryk, A., Mangold, N., Bedford, C., Gasda, P., Fairen, A., Thompson, L., Johnson, J., Gasnault, O., Clegg, S., Cousin, A., Forni, O., Frydenvang, J., Lanza, N., Maurice, S., Newsom, H., Ollila, A., Payré, V., Rivera-Hernandez, F., and Vasavada, A. Origin and composition of three heterolithic boulder and cobble deposits overlying the Murray and Stimson formations, Gale crater, Mars, Icarus, 113897.
16. Bouley, S., Keane, J., Baratoux, D., Langlais, B., Matsuyama, I., Costard, F., Hewins, R., Payré, V., Sautter, V., Séjourné, A., Vanderhaeghe, O., Zanda, B., A thick crustal block revealed by reconstructions of early Mars highlands, Nature Geoscience, 1-5.
15. Guezenoc, J., Payré, V., Fabre, C., Sylvilay, D., Cousin, A., Gallet-Budynek, A., Bousquet, B. (2019) Variable selection in Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy assisted by multivariate analysis: an alternative to multi-peak fitting. Spect. Acta. Part B, 152, 6-13.
14. Payré, V., Fabre, C., Sautter, V., Cousin, A., Mangold, N., Le Deit, L., Forni, O., Goeltz, W., Gasnault, O., Wiens, R. C., Meslin, P. -Y., Lasue, J., Rapin, W., Clark, B., Nachon, M., Lanza, N. L., Maurice, S. (2018). Copper enrichments in the Kimberley formation in Gale crater, Mars: Evidence of an ore deposit at the source. Icarus, 321, 736-751.
13. L’Haridon, J., Mangold, N., Meslin, P.-Y., Johnson, J.R., Rapin, W., Forni, O., Cousin, A., Payré, V., Dehouck, E., Nachon, M., Le Deit, L., Gasnault, O., Maurice, S., Wiens, R.C., 2018. Chemical variability in mineralized veins observed by ChemCam on the lower slopes of Mount Sharp in Gale crater, Mars. Icarus 311, 69–86.
12. Stein, N., Grotzinger, J.P., Schieber, J., Mangold, N., Hallet, B., Newsom, H., Stack, K.M., Berger, J.A., Thompson, L., Siebach, K.L., Cousin, A., Mouélic, S.L., Minitti, M., Sumner, D.Y., Fedo, C., House, C.H., Gupta, S., Vasavada, A.R., Gellert, R., Wiens, R.C., Frydenvang, J., Forni, O., Meslin, P.Y., Payré, V., Dehouck, E., 2018. Desiccation cracks provide evidence of lake drying on Mars, Sutton Island member, Murray formation, Gale Crater. Geology 46, 515–518.
13. L’Haridon, J., Mangold, N., Meslin, P.-Y., Johnson, J.R., Rapin, W., Forni, O., Cousin, A., Payré, V., Dehouck, E., Nachon, M., Le Deit, L., Gasnault, O., Maurice, S., Wiens, R.C., 2018. Chemical variability in mineralized veins observed by ChemCam on the lower slopes of Mount Sharp in Gale crater, Mars. Icarus 311, 69–86.
12. Stein, N., Grotzinger, J.P., Schieber, J., Mangold, N., Hallet, B., Newsom, H., Stack, K.M., Berger, J.A., Thompson, L., Siebach, K.L., Cousin, A., Mouélic, S.L., Minitti, M., Sumner, D.Y., Fedo, C., House, C.H., Gupta, S., Vasavada, A.R., Gellert, R., Wiens, R.C., Frydenvang, J., Forni, O., Meslin, P.Y., Payré, V., Dehouck, E., 2018. Desiccation cracks provide evidence of lake drying on Mars, Sutton Island member, Murray formation, Gale Crater. Geology 46, 515–518.
11. Payré, V., Fabre, C., Cousin, A., Sautter, V., Wiens, R.C., Forni, O., Gasnault, O., Mangold, N., Meslin, P.-Y., Lasue, J., Ollila, A., Rapin, W., Maurice, S., Nachon, M., Le Deit, L., Lanza, N., Clegg, S., 2017. Alkali trace elements in Gale crater, Mars, with ChemCam: Calibration update and geological implications. J. Geophys. Res. Planets 2016JE005201.
10. Clegg, S.M., Wiens, R.C., Anderson, R., Forni, O., Frydenvang, J., Lasue, J., Cousin, A., Payré, V., Boucher, T., Dyar, M.D., McLennan, S.M., Morris, R.V., Graff, T.G., Mertzman, S.A., Ehlmann, B.L., Belgacem, I., Newsom, H., Clark, B.C., Melikechi, N., Mezzacappa, A., McInroy, R.E., Martinez, R., Gasda, P., Gasnault, O., Maurice, S., 2017. Recalibration of the Mars Science Laboratory ChemCam instrument with an expanded geochemical database. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 129, 64–85.
9. Cousin, A., Dehouck, E., Meslin, P.-Y., Forni, O., Williams, A.J., Stein, N., Gasnault, O., Bridges, N., Ehlmann, B., Schröder, S., Payré, V., Rapin, W., Pinet, P., Sautter, V., Lanza, N., Lasue, J., Maurice, S., Wiens, R.C., 2017a. Geochemistry of the Bagnold dune field as observed by ChemCam and comparison with other aeolian deposits at Gale crater. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.
8. Cousin, A., Sautter, V., Payré, V., Forni, O., Mangold, N., Gasnault, O., Le Deit, L., Johnson, J., Maurice, S., Salvatore, M., Wiens, R.C., Gasda, P., Rapin, W., 2017b. Classification of igneous rocks analyzed by ChemCam at Gale crater, Mars. Icarus 288, 265–283.
7. Frydenvang, J., Gasda, P.J., Hurowitz, J.A., Grotzinger, J.P., Wiens, R.C., Newsom, H.E., Edgett, K.S., Watkins, J., Bridges, J.C., Maurice, S., Fisk, M.R., Johnson, J.R., Rapin, W., Stein, N.T., Clegg, S.M., Schwenzer, S.P., Bedford, C.C., Edwards, P., Mangold, N., Cousin, A., Anderson, R.B., Payré, V., Vaniman, D., Blake, D.F., Lanza, N.L., Gupta, S., Van Beek, J., Sautter, V., Meslin, P.-Y., Rice, M., Milliken, R., Gellert, R., Thompson, L., Clark, B.C., Sumner, D.Y., Fraeman, A.A., Kinch, K.M., Madsen, M.B., Mitrofanov, I.G., Jun, I., Calef, F., Vasavada, A.R., 2017. Diagenetic silica enrichment and late-stage groundwater activity in Gale crater, Mars: Silica Enriching Diagenesis, Gale, Mars. Geophysical Research Letters 44, 4716–4724.
6. Nachon, M., Mangold, N., Forni, O., Kah, L.C., Cousin, A., Wiens, R.C., Anderson, R., Blaney, D., Blank, J.G., Calef, F., Clegg, S.M., Fabre, C., Fisk, M.R., Gasnault, O., Grotzinger, J.P., Kronyak, R., Lanza, N.L., Lasue, J., Deit, L.L., Mouélic, S.L., Maurice, S., Meslin, P.-Y., Oehler, D.Z., Payré, V., Rapin, W., Schröder, S., Stack, K., Sumner, D., 2017. Chemistry of diagenetic features analyzed by ChemCam at Pahrump Hills, Gale crater, Mars. Icarus 281, 121–136.
5. Wiens, R.C., Rubin, D.M., Goetz, W., Fairén, A.G., Schwenzer, S.P., Johnson, J.R., Milliken, R., Clark, B., Mangold, N., Stack, K.M., Oehler, D., Rowland, S., Chan, M., Vaniman, D., Maurice, S., Gasnault, O., Rapin, W., Schroeder, S., Clegg, S., Forni, O., Blaney, D., Cousin, A., Payré, V., Fabre, C., Nachon, M., Le Mouelic, S., Sautter, V., Johnstone, S., Calef, F., Vasavada, A.R., Grotzinger, J.P., 2017. Centimeter to decimeter hollow concretions and voids in Gale Crater sediments, Mars. Icarus 289, 144–156.
10. Clegg, S.M., Wiens, R.C., Anderson, R., Forni, O., Frydenvang, J., Lasue, J., Cousin, A., Payré, V., Boucher, T., Dyar, M.D., McLennan, S.M., Morris, R.V., Graff, T.G., Mertzman, S.A., Ehlmann, B.L., Belgacem, I., Newsom, H., Clark, B.C., Melikechi, N., Mezzacappa, A., McInroy, R.E., Martinez, R., Gasda, P., Gasnault, O., Maurice, S., 2017. Recalibration of the Mars Science Laboratory ChemCam instrument with an expanded geochemical database. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 129, 64–85.
9. Cousin, A., Dehouck, E., Meslin, P.-Y., Forni, O., Williams, A.J., Stein, N., Gasnault, O., Bridges, N., Ehlmann, B., Schröder, S., Payré, V., Rapin, W., Pinet, P., Sautter, V., Lanza, N., Lasue, J., Maurice, S., Wiens, R.C., 2017a. Geochemistry of the Bagnold dune field as observed by ChemCam and comparison with other aeolian deposits at Gale crater. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.
8. Cousin, A., Sautter, V., Payré, V., Forni, O., Mangold, N., Gasnault, O., Le Deit, L., Johnson, J., Maurice, S., Salvatore, M., Wiens, R.C., Gasda, P., Rapin, W., 2017b. Classification of igneous rocks analyzed by ChemCam at Gale crater, Mars. Icarus 288, 265–283.
7. Frydenvang, J., Gasda, P.J., Hurowitz, J.A., Grotzinger, J.P., Wiens, R.C., Newsom, H.E., Edgett, K.S., Watkins, J., Bridges, J.C., Maurice, S., Fisk, M.R., Johnson, J.R., Rapin, W., Stein, N.T., Clegg, S.M., Schwenzer, S.P., Bedford, C.C., Edwards, P., Mangold, N., Cousin, A., Anderson, R.B., Payré, V., Vaniman, D., Blake, D.F., Lanza, N.L., Gupta, S., Van Beek, J., Sautter, V., Meslin, P.-Y., Rice, M., Milliken, R., Gellert, R., Thompson, L., Clark, B.C., Sumner, D.Y., Fraeman, A.A., Kinch, K.M., Madsen, M.B., Mitrofanov, I.G., Jun, I., Calef, F., Vasavada, A.R., 2017. Diagenetic silica enrichment and late-stage groundwater activity in Gale crater, Mars: Silica Enriching Diagenesis, Gale, Mars. Geophysical Research Letters 44, 4716–4724.
6. Nachon, M., Mangold, N., Forni, O., Kah, L.C., Cousin, A., Wiens, R.C., Anderson, R., Blaney, D., Blank, J.G., Calef, F., Clegg, S.M., Fabre, C., Fisk, M.R., Gasnault, O., Grotzinger, J.P., Kronyak, R., Lanza, N.L., Lasue, J., Deit, L.L., Mouélic, S.L., Maurice, S., Meslin, P.-Y., Oehler, D.Z., Payré, V., Rapin, W., Schröder, S., Stack, K., Sumner, D., 2017. Chemistry of diagenetic features analyzed by ChemCam at Pahrump Hills, Gale crater, Mars. Icarus 281, 121–136.
5. Wiens, R.C., Rubin, D.M., Goetz, W., Fairén, A.G., Schwenzer, S.P., Johnson, J.R., Milliken, R., Clark, B., Mangold, N., Stack, K.M., Oehler, D., Rowland, S., Chan, M., Vaniman, D., Maurice, S., Gasnault, O., Rapin, W., Schroeder, S., Clegg, S., Forni, O., Blaney, D., Cousin, A., Payré, V., Fabre, C., Nachon, M., Le Mouelic, S., Sautter, V., Johnstone, S., Calef, F., Vasavada, A.R., Grotzinger, J.P., 2017. Centimeter to decimeter hollow concretions and voids in Gale Crater sediments, Mars. Icarus 289, 144–156.
4. Lasue, J., Clegg, S.M., Forni, O., Cousin, A., Wiens, R.C., Lanza, N., Mangold, N., Le Deit, L., Gasnault, O., Maurice, S., Berger, J.A., Stack, K., Blaney, D., Fabre, C., Goetz, W., Johnson, J., Le Mouélic, S., Nachon, M., Payré, V. , Rapin, W., Sumner, D.Y., 2016. Observation of > 5 wt % zinc at the Kimberley outcrop, Gale crater, Mars. J. Geophys. Res. Planets 121, 2015JE004946.
3. Le Deit, L., Mangold, N., Forni, O., Cousin, A., Lasue, J., Schröder, S., Wiens, R.C., Sumner, D., Fabre, C., Stack, K.M., Anderson, R.B., Blaney, D., Clegg, S., Dromart, G., Fisk, M., Gasnault, O., Grotzinger, J.P., Gupta, S., Lanza, N., Le Mouélic, S., Maurice, S., McLennan, S.M., Meslin, P.-Y., Nachon, M., Newsom, H., Payré, V., Rapin, W., Rice, M., Sautter, V., Treiman, A.H., 2016. The potassic sedimentary rocks in Gale Crater, Mars, as seen by ChemCam on board Curiosity. J. Geophys. Res. Planets 121, 2015JE004987.
2. Maurice, S., Clegg, S.M., Wiens, R.C., Gasnault, O., Rapin, W., Forni, O., Cousin, A., Sautter, V., Mangold, N., Deit, L.L., Nachon, M., Anderson, R.B., Lanza, N.L., Fabre, C., Payré, V., Lasue, J., Meslin, P.-Y., Léveillé, R.J., Barraclough, B.L., Beck, P., Bender, S.C., Berger, G., Bridges, J.C., Bridges, N.T., Dromart, G., Dyar, M.D., Francis, R., Frydenvang, J., Gondet, B., Ehlmann, B.L., Herkenhoff, K.E., Johnson, J.R., Langevin, Y., Madsen, M.B., Melikechi, N., Lacour, J.-L., Mouélic, S.L., Lewin, E., Newsom, H.E., Ollila, A.M., Pinet, P., Schröder, S., Sirven, J.-B., Tokar, R.L., Toplis, M.J., d’Uston, C., Vaniman, D.T., Vasavada, A.R., 2016. ChemCam activities and discoveries during the nominal mission of the Mars Science Laboratory in Gale crater, Mars. J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 31, 863–889.
1. Sautter, V., Toplis, M.J., Beck, P., Mangold, N., Wiens, R., Pinet, P., Cousin, A., Maurice, S., LeDeit, L., Hewins, R., Gasnault, O., Quantin, C., Forni, O., Newsom, H., Meslin, P.-Y., Wray, J., Bridges, N., Payré, V., Rapin, W., Le Mouélic, S., 2016. Magmatic complexity on early Mars as seen through a combination of orbital, in-situ and meteorite data. Lithos 254–255, 36–52.
3. Le Deit, L., Mangold, N., Forni, O., Cousin, A., Lasue, J., Schröder, S., Wiens, R.C., Sumner, D., Fabre, C., Stack, K.M., Anderson, R.B., Blaney, D., Clegg, S., Dromart, G., Fisk, M., Gasnault, O., Grotzinger, J.P., Gupta, S., Lanza, N., Le Mouélic, S., Maurice, S., McLennan, S.M., Meslin, P.-Y., Nachon, M., Newsom, H., Payré, V., Rapin, W., Rice, M., Sautter, V., Treiman, A.H., 2016. The potassic sedimentary rocks in Gale Crater, Mars, as seen by ChemCam on board Curiosity. J. Geophys. Res. Planets 121, 2015JE004987.
2. Maurice, S., Clegg, S.M., Wiens, R.C., Gasnault, O., Rapin, W., Forni, O., Cousin, A., Sautter, V., Mangold, N., Deit, L.L., Nachon, M., Anderson, R.B., Lanza, N.L., Fabre, C., Payré, V., Lasue, J., Meslin, P.-Y., Léveillé, R.J., Barraclough, B.L., Beck, P., Bender, S.C., Berger, G., Bridges, J.C., Bridges, N.T., Dromart, G., Dyar, M.D., Francis, R., Frydenvang, J., Gondet, B., Ehlmann, B.L., Herkenhoff, K.E., Johnson, J.R., Langevin, Y., Madsen, M.B., Melikechi, N., Lacour, J.-L., Mouélic, S.L., Lewin, E., Newsom, H.E., Ollila, A.M., Pinet, P., Schröder, S., Sirven, J.-B., Tokar, R.L., Toplis, M.J., d’Uston, C., Vaniman, D.T., Vasavada, A.R., 2016. ChemCam activities and discoveries during the nominal mission of the Mars Science Laboratory in Gale crater, Mars. J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 31, 863–889.
1. Sautter, V., Toplis, M.J., Beck, P., Mangold, N., Wiens, R., Pinet, P., Cousin, A., Maurice, S., LeDeit, L., Hewins, R., Gasnault, O., Quantin, C., Forni, O., Newsom, H., Meslin, P.-Y., Wray, J., Bridges, N., Payré, V., Rapin, W., Le Mouélic, S., 2016. Magmatic complexity on early Mars as seen through a combination of orbital, in-situ and meteorite data. Lithos 254–255, 36–52.